“Wish that the warmth of Bonfire, sweetness of Gur and Rewri at Lohri remain with you forever.” – Sonal The mythology of an ancient culture can be passed on from generation to generation, preserved through celebrated storytelling and embracing past rituals. Through the dark days of the long, arduous winter we look for the time when light and warmth begin to reenter our life. In ancient Indian culture this is practiced by celebrating Lohri every year on the longest night of the year, known as the winter solstice. This year, that takes place on January 13th, 2022. The...
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We want to reach homeostasis, come back to our center and set our intention that each day be positive and productive. The mind, body and spirit are intricately connected. The body's immune system is the engine from which our spirit and energy maintain balance. Our bodies remain regulated as we build up antibodies to fight off infection.
Lets look at 3 things you would have never thought would boost your immune system.
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Namaste “Namaste means that my soul acknowledges yours -not just your light, your wisdom, your goodness, but also your darkness, your suffering, your imperfections. It is a recognition and acceptance of the inexplicable divine absurdity, the miraculous woven into the ordinary, light and darkness intimately entwined in magical, messy humanity. It means that I honour all that you are with all that I am. So, Namaste, my fellow travelers. I'm so glad we're on this trek through the universe together.” These words by L.R. Knost signify the true meaning of Namaste, the ultimate acceptance and understanding of another’s soul....
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tis the season to enjoy a seasonal latte with an authentic indian spice!
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“The secret of change is to focus all of our energy, not on fighting the old, but building the new” - Socrates With Covid normalizing, the workplace is returning to the second home it was a few years ago. The more hours that are logged the longer the days feel. Situations induced by stress seem to fill the days including chasing deadlines and answering to bosses, which can feel like a never-ending cycle. Changing...
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"We are not Human Beings having a Spiritual Experience, but Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience" -Pierre Tielhard De Chardin What Is The Human Experience? Our state of being enables us, like no other organism on the planet, to have an experience which goes beyond the five senses. The human experience is an awareness of self that is rooted in a higher consciousness. The shared beliefs, ideas and feelings of connectiveness contribute to the collective consciousness that fosters society. The way in which we interact with the universe and its energies is critical to our human experience. Our energy...
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